The Artistic Magpie, or how I'm getting ready for my senior show.

While I already have a few pieces that I've set aside for my senior show next semester, I've got a couple more pieces that are still in the design stages. While I'm not going to be able to get to the "fun" part of most of these pieces over the summer, I'm going to try to get most of the grunt work out of the way so that I can focus on the ceramic elements of the sculptures in the fall.

Unfortunately this is also going to involve hoarding a lot of random junk so that I can glue it together. My current plan for my show is to investigate how mythological creatures would interact with the modern world, based on not only on old folk tales but on pop culture, as well the behavior of animals similar to the creatures themselves.  For instance one of these pieces is going to be a dragon sitting on a hoard of glass bottles.

The inspiration for this piece actually comes from the fact that I have a bad habit of hoarding glass bottles myself. I'm not entirely sure why I do this, but I think it's because I just think that they're pretty, and because glass (soda) bottles used to be less common before hipsters brought them back in style.  I'll admit that my main reason for even thinking about doing a piece like this is because my hoard of glass bottles was starting to get out of hand, and I figured that this would be a good way of getting rid of them without actually throwing them away. Unfortunately I forgot that my parents talked me into getting rid of most of them, so I'm going to have to indulge that habit again. 

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I'm getting ready to move most of my stuff to Indiana, which means that my need to hoard weird shit and buy large pieces of wood to glue said shit to is going to be even more awkward, but hopefully it won't convince my parents that I'm going full hoarder on them, and that they need to stage an intervention.