Because I procrastinated posting this until the exhibit was closed

Name, Place, Date of Lecture/Exhibition: Exploration of Color, March 1st, NKU

1.            Briefly describe the content of the lecture/exhibition and what was being communicated:

From what I could tell, It was mainly what it said on the tin, Basically an exploration of color through painting, as well as the various emotions evoked by them.


2.         Describe what inspired you about the lecture/exhibition including how it will affect your work as an artist:

I’ve always been a fan of a slightly impressionistic style, even if it doesn’t show very often in my sculptures. It’s nice to see someone take that sort of style and play with it successfully, as my attempts to do so myself haven’t gone particularly well.



3.         Describe the weaknesses of the lecture/exhibition and how it could be improved or executed differently:

I would say it would probably be the blue woman painting (I can’t remember it’s name), but that’s mainly because it made me deeply uncomfortable for some reason. However seeing as this painting on the flyers that were distributed was what made me curious, it’s sort of a catch 22.

4.         Describe your personal feelings when listening to the lecture and/or viewing the exhibition:


It was fairly calming. Like I said, I think most of the works were slightly impressionistic, and I’m always happy to see that done right, especially considering that I have the issue of figuring out what is too little and too much when I attempt that art style