Why being the only artist in the house when you are getting ready to move sucks ass

Currently my family is in the process of getting our house ready for sale, as well as putting anything we don't need at the moment into a storage unit in Indiana. Since our house in Indiana is probably going to be smaller than our current house (mainly because housing prices are even crazier than they are in the cincinnati area) this also means that we have to start weeding out what we want to keep and what is either going to charity or the dump now.

While the increase in the amount of space we have here in comparison to the last house we lived in lead to everyone accumulating more junk in general, most of the blame seems to have fallen to me, mainly because I have problems letting go of art I've made, even if it isn't as successful as some of my other pieces. Most of these pieces (as well as my canvases and my portfolio) have been sitting in my dad's office, which has lead to most of the blame for the clutter in their being put on me.  I had taken this mostly gracefully, because me cluttering the area actually HAD been an issue when I was taking painting, so I had assumed that I had left more of my painting supplies in that area than I'd thought.

However Lo and behold, most of the stuff in there was actually NOT mine, but was, in fact, the various boxes leftover from assorted amazon purchases (which I usually toss), gift bags that had been stowed there after Christmas and forgotten, boxes of books that had been moved in there after the garage had flooded, and a bicycle rack that my dad had yet to put on his car.

While I will admit that I have a little bit of a hoarding problem, I'm still a little pissed that this apparently gives everyone carte blanche to put the blame on me when a room gets cluttered.